How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman

You now have a tool that you know , you cringe even when you just think about and therefore represents a great tool for you . So if I'm procrastinating to do something I really need to do . Should I just simply wait for that procrastination to evaporate ?

How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So how can we overcome procrastination ? Well , it turns out that there are findings from within the addiction literature that turn out to be very powerful towards leveraging our way out of procrastination .

How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So how can we overcome procrastination ? Well , it turns out that there are findings from within the addiction literature that turn out to be very powerful towards leveraging our way out of procrastination . And it has to do with this .

How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok , let's just get that one out of the way . What I'm referring to is the fact that for instance , if you're feeling a motivated , but you find yourself cleaning the house as a way to procrastinate . You could say , well , cleaning the house is harder than sitting down and doing nothing .

How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Maybe will a deadline eventually surface that will trigger me into an anxious or activated state that will allow me to complete what needs to be done ? Maybe hopefully , but better would be to get out of that a motivated state that state of procrastination quickly .